Teenage Boy Draws Penises All the Time

SundayKittens's avatar

WHY Why Why...Do high school boys insist on drawing phalluses?

  • 5 points Great Question

I teach high school art. I have counted 20+ penises drawn in some shape or form in my classroom. I published them on my blog to try to make sense of it but no one has any answers.

Is it some sort of rite of passage that young men must illustrate their budding manhood in public venues? Are they trying to impress me?

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  • high school
  • art
  • teenagers
  • penises
  • phalic

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45 Answers

ucme's avatar

Boys will be boys, I bet the ring leaders name is Dick Head. A name that would suit him just fine~

CMaz's avatar

It always starts with and comes back to the penis.

rangerr's avatar


avvooooooo's avatar


Facade's avatar

Because it's fun. They aren't trying to impress you. It's just something to do.

HTDC's avatar

It's some weird obsession that guys and to a lesser extent girls have at that age. They did it all the time when I was at school. Don't know exactly why they were so obsessed by it though.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

It's toilet humour. Like farts and shit and vomit and diarrhea, but somehow more accepted since all guys have it. It's like a conspiracy.

Besides, just you try drawing vomit.

zephyr826's avatar

I don't know. I teach French, and I've had the same thing happen. I personally find it a little creepy, but they seem to think it's funny. One boy changed his into a lighthouse after I told him I'd put it up on the wall for parent-teacher conferences, but no one seems to have a problem with it. Ahh well, what can you do.

CMaz's avatar

"Like farts and shit and vomit and diarrhea"

I will give you the ok for farting an diarrhea. They can be funny. :-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Guys come from another planet far far away, and stupid stuff amuses us. Why else would anyone think its funny to see someone take a shot to the groin. Hopefully, we grow up some day to become acceptable members of society. I couldn't tell how long you've been teaching, but it probably isn't going to change much over time. We just are wired differently.

SundayKittens's avatar

Sarcasm's avatar

I think they're just bored and aren't interested in art.

As a male who used to be a high school boy in an art class, I can tell you I never drew dongs in class. Or really, I guess I never drew dongs at any time in my life.

"I don't see ANY vaginas." Well, they're not as easy to draw as a stick with two circles at the bottom.

TexasDude's avatar


When will boys learn that the balls hang below the penis, not off to the side like some fleshy pair of wings? Anatomy fail :-/

ucme's avatar

When I was at school i'd draw one that was easily & quickly changed into a characature of a face. Used to call him Nobby. Was caught by the teacher once who amazingly praised my effort at cartoon sketching. It was an art lesson by the way. Chance favours the prepared mind.

TexasDude's avatar

just wait until you find a swastika made out of penises. Then your journey into madness will be complete

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Wow, thats pretty out there. Where did that come from?

TexasDude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe, the ball wings, or the swastika penis?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The swastika penis. That stopped me cold.

TexasDude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe, In all my years in the public school system, I saw maybe ten or twenty swastika penises drawn in various locations. Maybe it's just a local phenomena?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard As a guy, I've always been glad to have my penis. I call him Mr Happy in honor of Robin Williams. To juxtapose Mr Happy with a swastika made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.It's just me but to see Mr Happy as a symbol of what I associate with hate was just a stretch. It makes me stop for a minute and just think. Great Answer.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

This is kind of ironic. A teacher asks why young males draw penises and now I've got these thoughts running around inside my head.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

This reminds me of superbad

CyanoticWasp's avatar

The only thing I can imagine is that they got tired of drawing breasts.

Or they weren't even interested in breasts to begin with.

holden's avatar


CyanoticWasp's avatar

LOL @holden—so, when do you graduate?

holden's avatar


ParaParaYukiko's avatar

It doesn't stop with high school boys. Guys in college still do it, even those in art school.

I wish I could tell you why they love drawing penises so much. They're a sign of fertility which is pretty ubiquitous in the earliest art forms. But I don't think that's what high school guys are thinking when they draw penises on their desks.

My guess is that it's just an expression of their sexuality, and high school for many is the first time when it's more acceptable to be expressing and experimenting with it.

Plus, penises are just… funny-looking.

CMaz's avatar

The penis represents power.


phil196662's avatar

You know it's bad when our Daughter brought home a photo from Wood working class of a male friend that told the teacher he was making table legs and then shaped one like an Eighteen Inch Penis! He has kept it covered and is going to be carving the balls tomarrow and all next week.

and you guys are talking "Doodling"???

TexasDude's avatar

lol, the juvenile, adolescent boy in me must be out in force today, because I find that hilarious, @phil196662!

phil196662's avatar

I thought it would be a hit! His father told me if it looks Realistic he's gonna send the boy to Art School…

hug_of_war's avatar

I think it is very weird. I don't go drawing my vagina everywhere.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

@hug_of_war Maybe because there is more pressure on women to be prudish about sexuality. Women wearing revealing clothing or acting lewdly is highly scorned, but males often get the excuse of "boys will be boys."

CMaz's avatar

@hug_of_war – has a good point.

You ladies should draw a picture of your vagina and use it for your profile picture.

Ya know, for posterity.

ucme's avatar

@ChazMaz Yeah the pen is mightier than the sword after all,

RAWRxRandy's avatar

We do? O.o

nayeight's avatar

Haha, I don't know. This makes me think of that scene in Superbad when that kid was talking about how he used to draw dicks all the time in school…HAHA! I almost peed my pants laughing at that!

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

@nayeight And when they show all those elaborate penis drawings in the ending credit sequence… Hilarious!

TexasDude's avatar

phil196662's avatar

Ooooooo Mmmmmmmmm Gggggggggggg!!!!!! @fiddle playing creole bastard

THOSE had me Friggin Laughin BIG Time!

And those were the Clean Ones??? Tame for me…

nayeight's avatar

Haha @ the grain of rice = your penis one!

sleepdoc's avatar

This may be overly simplified. But that age the sun rises and sets with the penis.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Kieth Haring and Andy Warhol both drew pages of dicks.

Seems to have done them well.

rockfan's avatar

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo drew penises too.

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Source: https://www.fluther.com/69712/why-why-whydo-high-school-boys-insist-on-drawing-phalluses/

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